Thursday, June 4, 2009

you brought this on yourself sir.

i didnt tell you to cheat on your girlfriend. thats something you did all by yourself. and its not like i sought her out. she came to me. she asked me if i saw it. a simple yes or no question. i wasnt going to lie despite what my mother or anyone else says i shoulda done i wasnt gonna pretend like i didnt see anything. i saw it. she asked me. i answered. im sorry sir but you brought this on yourself. so you and your cousin can refrain from coming at me foul. grow up. you made a mistake. deal with it.

dear jesus,

check ya boi cuz he be trippin.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I concur sir, with your recommendation to Jesus that he check his boi, as he certainly does appear to be tripping.