Monday, July 28, 2008

my day (with my thoughts on mike in parantheses)




woke up at about 10:45 to get ready for work

im ready to go and on the road by 11:20

stop for gas

on the freeway

at work and ready to clock in by 12:05

claim my tips

try to clock in

not successful

try again

not successful

once more

not successful

knock knock on the managers office

no answer

turn around



"Im not on drugs am i?"

"what do you mean?"

"i work today right?"

"well let me check"

she checks

"youre not on my lunch roster, let me check the dinner one"

she checks

"youre not on the dinner one either"

"are you serious?!?"

"you can check the one up front"

i go up to the host stand

"do you have the roster"

"the roster?"

"here it is"

"omg i really dont work today"


"ya, im so retarded"


"well i dont wanna leave...maybe i'll eat"

i try everyone that i can think of to come eat with me

"no one can come!"

"im sure you can find someone, try lauren" (this is mike...mike is cute...i like mike)

"i dont have lauren's number"

"here take my phone" (mike is cute...i like mike)

i call lauren and relay my funny story and extend a lunch invitation

she's busy

"can lauren come?" (stop being cute...didnt i hate you last week?....ya i did until i was about to go home and then you started being cute...ok)

"no shes busy"

"why dont you wait for someone to go on lunch and you can eat with them?" ( youve probably had your lunch already)

"i'm gonna try this person that i really dont wanna try"

the person is danny

danny is out of town til friday

lawren texts me back...finally

she just got out of class and is available to meet me at chili's

by this time ive been there for about 45 minutes already...talking to mike (mike is cute...)

"yay i found someone!"

"the person you didnt wanna try?"

"nope...actually the first person i tried"

"oh thats want me to seat you now? where do you wanna sit?" (aww youre so cute)

"hmmm nicole's section is full...and so is genessis...what about michelle? does she have any open tables?"

"ya...want me to seat you now? i'll save it for you if you wanna wait" (arent you precious? of course i wanna wait...)

"i think im gonna go to my car real quick"

i drop of my arpon and change into my flip flops

"so why do all of your friends live out here if you live in corona?" (oh you are adorbale you are)

" i go to mt sac"

"oh whatre you taking this fall" (awww you wanna know all about me)

i tell him what im taking

"oh musics your thing huh?"

"yupp...its my major"

"what do you do?"


"whats your favorite song to sing right now?"

"you wouldnt know if i told you"

"well sing it for me" (cute but no)


"why not?"

"i dont like to sing by myself"

"i dont get like to sing but not by yourself?"

"well ya...i sing in a choir"

"is your friend thats coming a singer too?"


"well there you go then" (again...cute but no)


lawren arrives

we eat and talk and talk and talk

then we pay

then i walk her to her car and we talk and talk and talk

we finally stop talking after about 2 hours at about 4...she has stuff to do

i go back inside with the intention of getting a schedule using the bathroom and leaving

i end up staying at chili's for another hour talking to various people but mainly lauren [notice the change in spelling] and mark [not mike]

i finally leave a lil after 5pm

after being at chili's for 5 hours without working

perfect day :)

love and stuff


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you.
whos mike?
he must be cute.